-- Unsustained Notes --

The Blog

First post!

January 02, 2024

So here it is, my website. It is built and ready. In a way, having control of my own work on my own site is a large part of why I learned to code. I built this almost from scratch using Django as the framework. I always felt that if I could get my own work out on my terms, it would have a better chance of surviving. It also seemed to go hand in glove with the DIY ethos that framed my early music experience.


I’m not a full-stop "anti-Spotify" person, nor am I anti-social media. I don’t think we live in a time where lines can be drawn, and sides can be distinctly separated. I do know that a large part of the misery I experience as an artist comes from social media. I’ve even taken it off my phone, leaving it only on my laptop, and have greatly benefited from the extra time given back to me. I feel that dark cloud doesn't linger so closely.


To me, places like Instagram, Spotify, and Facebook bring me back to a feeling I had when I was an elementary student. We would have show and tell, and there was never enough time for every student, so the teacher would pick who got to stand up and show and tell. I hated that. I’m convinced that the pale-faced algorithm that scans my content and drops it from the recommendation bin ignores me the same way my teacher ignored my flustered, stiffly raised arm.


So, in a way, this is my own show and tell. I hope you enjoy it, and I welcome any comments because it’s just a dev team of 1 on this project. If anything is broken, let me know.


All my songs are available to listen to. They go back to my first release under the name Howlround. I no longer use that name, but that’s a story for another post…on a blog I built.


I will be posting all new songs here first before getting them up on other sites. I know I’m risking that precious 0.0001 cent from streaming royalties, but it’s more fun this way.

Written by Brendan O'Donnell